Sunday, October 11, 2015

Blog Entry #7 FRESH to a New Market

photo by natashaandreoni
The documentary Fresh changed my perspective on healthy eating. I had always thought that eating healthy was fruits and vegetables, and that's all you needed to have a beautiful, healthy body. I was wrong. Part of health is where our food comes from. How healthy can we be is we eat chemicals on a day to day basis?

Fresh promotes healthy eating and buying from local farmers versus big, industrialized factory farmers. It celebrates the local farmers who make up America and continue to grow despite being chased out by big companies and brands. The whole point of Fresh is to show the view how American farming has changed and the rise of industrialization in American farms. How fresh can you food be if it was raised on chemicals and came out of a factory's conveyor belt?

It is a film designer for foodies; people who care about their food and want the best out of it. This younger generation of eaters want quality control in their food and to know where it came from. Being designed for this audience, it make sense that the movie's prime tone is serious when it comes to the factory farms, but switches to a friendly, happy family vibe when it moves onto the local farms being portrayed.

I was shocked by the difference in our farms from how they're advertised on tv. People genuinely believe in the red barn and open green fields. Fresh showed me that the reality of our farms are far different. Our farms our smokestacks and mechanical jails. There is nothing fresh about the food we eat, and there is nothing we can do about it. 90% of our food comes from one place.


This movie not only awakened me, but also millions of other people. Documentaries like this should be seen by all. The people of America need to know what they are eating and where it comes from. It is important that Americans have a choice on what they eat. If you want to eat healthy, you should be able to. Everyone deserves a choice. Watch this film for yourself so you can make that choice too. Learn to eat healthy and visit a farmer's market. Supporting local farms and businesses increases state revenue rather than investing into big business. Give back to your local community and take a chance by trying some healthy organic food.

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