Sunday, December 6, 2015

Blog Entry #10 Give Me Those Amii"bros"

Amiibo. If you're a gamer, you may have heard this term. They're one of Nintendo's most successful products in years. In the time period between November 2014 and March 2015, Amiibos had sold an outstanding 10.5 million units. Some amiibos, on release date cost only $13, while others start at $50. They sell out within a day of coming out, and what is considered a rare amiibo can cost up to $200 to buy online.  Here is what comes up if you type in amiibo on ebay.
Below is one of the most expensive amiibos. His name is Shulk, and he is the main character of the first Xenoblade Chronicles game. His amiibo was only available as a GameStop preorder exclusive. His amiibo now sells for $197.99.

There is an immense craving for these products, but some of you may be wondering, what is an amiibo? Upon googling this, the first explanation that comes up is the wiki page,
These mass produced figures, for just $12 can be used in DLC in over 21 different games. When applied in Super Smash Brothers, Amiibos are an incredibly intelligent Artificial Intelligence player that learn how to fight when entering fights and analyzing them. They grow as you grow. Their intelligence and convenience makes them a must have for Nintendo gamers. But there has to be another reason? Why would people collect all 91 current amiibos (not including cards/upcoming releases) and never use them? Because for many, they are a collector's item. For many characters and franchises, especially the ones represented in Super Smash Bros, this is the only collectible they can get, or the only other ones are rare and cost hundreds of dollars and must be imported from Japan.

Now I admit, I have given into the craze myself and my amii"bro" collection consists of
Princess Peach
Duck Hunt Dog
Pink Yarn Yoshi
Splatoon Squid, Inkling boy & Inkling Girl
Animal Crossing Cryrus, Reese & KK Slider
60+ Animal Crossing Amiibo Cards

It's easy to give in with all the fun benefits and collector status amiibos have. I still find myself searching for Villager, the rest of the Animal Crossing amiibos, Palutena, Jigglypuff and Robin. 

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