Sunday, December 6, 2015

Blog Entry #8 Can I Wear This Tiara?

We've all seen it. We've all been on the Internet in our leisure time, and we've all seen pictures with over a thousand shares that say something alone the lines of "I'm not like those other girls. She likes shopping, spray tans, and sex. I like anime, hugs, and sneakers". For those of you who have had the grace to never comes across an image like this, I'll show you.
Is there something about this image that annoys you? If so, you're not alone. Pictures like these are common on social media, with the urge to be unique in a day and age where most people are far from it. Woman often resort to defining what makes up the right woman and why they are better than others. This is an extremely harmful view that is developing in society. It's not uncommon to hear other woman talk about how fake they think another is, or to call another a woman a whore.

Woman need to learn to acknowledge each other's rights to express themselves. You'll often see this type of behavior on Facebook, where an image will often be "like if you agree" or "like if you're a whore, comment if you're a normal girl". First off, what does it matter what other girls like? They have every right to express their selves as you do. You are not a special snowflake for liking MCR or some other emo band. Just because she likes a pop idol/boy band does not make her inferior. No one is joining in and celebrating your "weirdness" because every person is unique and has their own individual likes or dislikes, some more common than others. 
yay for female positivity
There is a word for when woman do this to it. It's called slut shaming: determining that a woman has less worth than you because she appears to show sexuality or enjoy it. It's a common problem that our sex driven society faces. You don't have sex, and you're a prude. You have sex, and now you're a slut. There is no solving this problem, but the first step is understanding this notion. Below is a video talking about the concept and explaining more about it.

Woman should know that it's okay to be girly and have respect for each other's interests. If I want to wear a tiara, I will. If I want to wear sweatpants, I will do the same. There is nothing wrong with being girly or a tomboy as long as we accept that we're all different.
It's okay to be girly

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