Saturday, December 5, 2015

Blog Entry #7 Dumb Men

Before you jump to conclusions, this entry is not about a woman's hatred of men, or an extreme feminist's male fueled rant. It's about a website focusing on the stereotypes surrounding men in media and advertising. You can check it out yourself here. The purpose comes from a feminist point of view, but not in the way you expect. Feminist as in those who believe that both men and women suffer from these male created stereotypes. Women are put in danger thanks to the stereotype that men have to be aggressive and dangerous, and men often face physical harm when they are not considered manly enough or are feminine. They are forced to live with this and it is expected in society, creating a harmful and toxic society for both males and females alike.

It's not uncommon to see advertisements like these. Or even on like this.
Men are expected to be strong and dimwitted, yet they are also expected that they have to have power of women. Dumb Men is a website that focuses on videos and other visual media forms to explain why this happens. For example, one of the featured videos on Dumb Men is this Minute Maid commercial.

While there is no actual commentary, there is a simple translation beneath each of the media examples they provide. 
Women: "I think you're the father of one of my kids."

Bad guy: Thinks he slept with the woman in Cancun on spring break in 99' and fathered her child.

Do over.  Sips juice. Brain is nourished..

Women: "I think you're the father of one of my kids."
Good guy: Is actually a father as in a priest.

Just this translation alone is enough to get the point Dumb Men is making. Men are often given this stereotype as a form of humor. It's funny to make fun of men, or so the media thinks. The wide gallery Dumb Men has is enough to prove its point of exposing the stereotypes of men in advertising.  Look at this advertisement from Suit Supply.
This isn't the same stereotype, but it's a common one. Men are given the power of strength but are portrayed to be sex driven objects who can't control their lust and must act aggressively towards woman. When images like this are plastered on billboards, Facebook, magazines, malls, and television, it's no wonder that we become immune to it. It becomes the norm, and there is no one to stop it. Maybe one day this trend will go away, and we can abolish the stereotypes that both men and woman face. Maybe it's time for men to get in touch with their feminine side without being called a pussy. 

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